"You Can Be Solid Diamond Blue Diamond Presidential Diamond By Leadership 2019"

I Can Help You Add More Silver Builders To Your Team Within 60 Days!

"If you want to learn how to enroll people after an Aromatouch Technique, Ron Wilder is a great resource! Ron is one of the only people I know who can enroll someone with a diamond kit after giving them an Aromatouch Technique. Incredible!"
Roxane Bybee
Presidential Diamond
"When Ron decided he wanted to go Silver, he blew me away how he went for it so quickly! He has helped many people on and off his team to be successful in their business, as well."
Rachel Jones
Blue Diamond

Thanks for stopping by to check out my Diamond-Only "Book A Chat With Ron" offer.

I understand that you are serious about building your doTERRA business to Blue or Presidential Diamond (or beyond).  Good call, because at the higher diamond levels, your whole world continues to change for the better.

At these levels you enjoy peace of mind, confidence, and a sense of security, knowing with great certainty, that your leaders’ leaders are creating business growth and Massive, Passive Income. 🙂

I can probably help you with that, but because I don’t know you, I can’t say for sure.

And you probably don’t know me that well either.

So… let’s meet, get to know each other, and figure this thing out for you.

Here's a bit of a heads-up on what will happen when we meet​

Firstly, I’ll spend time asking you about your business, where it’s at and where you want to get it to. 

I’ll ask you a whole bunch of questions, but you won’t need to prepare anything because the questions will be straight forward.

Then I’ll be in a position to identify what you need to do, specifically for your business and your market, in order to create a Network of Silver Builders rather than wholesale or retail customers.  This is the path to creating that highly-desired passive income that all of us Diamonds experience!

And at that point, I’ll know if 60 Days to Silver would be a good fit for your needs. 

If it’s not I’ll probably be able to recommend something or someone else that would be a better fit. 

And if we find a fit, we can talk about the different ways I work with participants. 

Of course, you’ll be able to ask me questions as well.

And just so you know in advance, the investment for enrolling your Wellness Advocates into 60 Days to Silver ranges from as low as US $197 a month to a fixed US $497 for 90 days of access, depending on what your (and your leader’s) needs and budget are.  

Of course, if you enroll some of your leaders into 60 Days to Silver, we would give you your own account to participate in your team’s success.  I recommend leaders stay about a week ahead of their students so they can help them out if they get stuck.

Finally, I would position you as an expert and would invite you to join us on one of our zoom video calls as a Diamond Expert to give your downline and other students your best advice on how to go Silver quickly.  Usually, these are short 5-minute “interviews” so won’t take a lot of time out of your busy schedule.

BTW: here's what our meeting will NOT be...

Just so you know, your 45-minute meeting is not some sort of “sales ambush” where you get your arm twisted and pushed into something that you don’t want. 

That wouldn’t be fair on you. 

Instead, it’s a chat between two adults to see if 60 Days to Silver would be right for you. 

And while I’ll identify the program that would be a fit for your Style and your Budget, the meeting isn’t designed as a “Coaching Consult” where I tell you what to do and you go away and do it.

Frankly, if I allowed you to leave the meeting with that idea, I’d be doing you a disservice because you’d fail to implement effectively without the expert guidance and coaching of the 60 Day to Silver System – a product that has been in development and testing for 6 years.

You know how it is … literacy isn’t mastery … the map is not the territory … and all those truisms. 

It’s better that I’m upfront with you about what it takes to embed the training, rather than have you think you can implement on your own, and then end up frustrated and disappointed that the results were not what you expected.

And here's what I need from you before you book a time to chat...

My entry level program, which is ideal for many serious Wellness Advocates, starts at only US $197 a month and we have even had one of our students (who was stuck at elite for 3 months) go Silver within 30 days!

Other programs run from US$500 to US $1,000, and it may well be that we’ll talk about some of these options if they’re relevant to you, but we’ll figure that out together based on your needs and your budget.

Think about how adding silvers to your leader’s teams can massively benefit both you and your leaders.  Imagine how much the relatively small investment in 60 Days to Silver could move you to the next diamond level and bring in tens of thousands of dollars extra per month.

I even have leaders who fund a portion of the student’s tuition to 60 Days to Silver because everyone wins!  You might consider a 50/50 split with them so they have some “skin in the game” towards their own successful doTERRA business to Silver and beyond in 60 to 90 days.  

Hey, I’m even comfortable with setting aside my normal US $1,000 an hour fee to see if I have something that can help you and that fits your budget.

(And yes, the $1,000 an hour is real. In fact, I average a lot more than that, as I’m sure you do too, fellow Diamond!)

The only thing I ask in return is that

  1. You come to the meeting seriously committed to learn how building a network of Silver business builders is way more profitable than hoping they will do it on their own.
  2. You can afford for us to work together if we agree that it’s a good idea for you.

Otherwise, there really is no point in us meeting.  If we both agree that 60 Days to Silver is a good fit, but you can’t afford it, then you’ll be disappointed … and I may even be a tad frustrated too.

OK … so if you’re cool with that then please go ahead and book a time for us to chat … I’ll really look forward to meeting you..

Finally, whatever conclusion we come to at the end of our chat, I want you to feel excited and confident about your future. So please read the following statements and click on the check boxes to confirm that your expectations are in line with what will happen on our call.

The Agreements

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More Testimonials

“Ron always has some creative ideas. When I was going Diamond he was instrumental helping me figure it all out! I’m sure his new program will be packed with lots of guidance.”
Kymberlee Simantel
"There are lots of tools and programs out there but this is the only program that creates accountability to help you stay on track as you build to Silver. Our Monday morning 'Planning Your Week' calls were a game changer that gave me clarity of the priorities of the week."
Susan McCarthy

© Share the Oils, LLC. All rights Reserved

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Want more Silvers on Your Team?

Diamond will be verified during setup.