Unlock Your Multiplication Dream!
Learn and apply the new mOS design tool to create a custom multiplication operating system for your church plant!
The next mOS Cohort is limited to 10 pioneering leaders
The next cohort starts on September 10, 2024. Registration is limited to 10 leaders.
Registration Deadline
You can do it!
But, It Takes Intentionality
Multiplication is not a normative measure of success, with only 7% of US churches planting. There’s a reason we’re not reproducing. In large part, it’s due to the shortcomings of the prevailing consumer-driven, programmatic operating system. We’ve been adding in a way that actually suppresses reproduction.
To overcome the resistance and become a reproducing church requires a new operating system, intentionality, and a plan. The mOS Cohort delivers all three!
Here's How We Help
The mOS Cohort process gives you:
- A better understanding of multiplication
- A compelling vision for multiplication
- Tools for creating a custom multiplication OS
- Tools for creating culture aligned with multiplication
- A customized multiplication scorecard and strategy
- New friendships with like-minded pioneering leaders
- Enthusiasm for implementing your plan
A Unique New Tool
Over 30 different networks and denominations collaborated to develop an operating system tool that can be used to produce many different contextually unique multiplication models. This new Multiplication Operating System Design Tool (The mOS Design Tool) includes:
- A simple process framework
- Tools for discerning operating system priorities
- Tools for setting operating system outcomes
- Six core elements
- Core questions for each element
- Tools for design integration
By prioritizing the core elements and then answering the associated questions for each element, leaders easily design context-specific launch models for use in their unique context. The design process also integrates proven planning tools from Auxano and Passion for Planting, resulting in a truly unique operating system design tool.
The mOS Cohort Community
The mOS Cohort is a nine-month, peer-to-peer learning community for a small group of church planting leaders who want disciple-making, mobilization, and multiplication embedded into the DNA of their new churches. Leaders learn and apply the new Multiplication Operating System Design Tool (The mOS Design Tool) to install a unique multiplication model in their new churches. This cohort is the second round of pilot testing and incorporates significant learnings from the first round.
The Journey
The new mOS Cohort runs from September 2024 through May 2025 in three distinct phases.
Phase 1 - DISCOVERING - 4 Months
Listening to God, discerning the convictions that will shape your customized operating system, and learning the new mOS Design Tool
- Face-to-face, two-day kickoff meeting
- Monthly, 3-hour Zoom Calls
- One-on-one coaching calls
Phase 2 - DESIGNING - 4 Months
Creating your customized operating system using the mOS Design Tool and Auxano’s strategic planning tools
- Face-to-face, two-day kickoff meeting
- Semi-monthly, 1.5-hour Zoom Calls
- One-on-one coaching calls
Phase 3 - DEPLOYING - 1 Month
Converting your operating system and strategic plan into an actionable, tactical plan for implementation
- Semi-monthly, 1.5-hour Zoom Calls
- Equip participants with a solid understanding of the multiplication operating system (mOS), its six elements, and how it differs from the prevailing consumer-driven operating system most church leaders inherit
- Help participants discern how best to prioritize each of the six elements of the mOS for their unique launch project
- Create a listening posture for participants to discern their unique answers to key questions for each of the six elements of the mOS in the sequence they’ve prioritized
- A unique prioritization of the six elements of the mOS
- Answers to the key questions shaping each element
- Increased clarity on what you will be launching
- Readiness to start the strategic visioning and planning process of Phase 2
- Equip participants with a solid understanding of the strategic planning tools used in the phase and how to apply them using the specific mOS answers they produced in Phase 1
- Help participants clarify the general direction of what mOS project they plan to launch or seek to prove conceptually
- Apply the tools in creating a unique 1-4-1-4 strategic plan and vision frame for their project
- Participants will finish Phase 2 with a completed 1-4-1-4 strategic plan, a unique vision frame, increased clarity on what they are launching or conceptually proving, and momentum to develop their tactical plan in Phase 3.
- Turn the 1-4-1-4 strategic plan and vision frame from Phase 2 into an actionable tactical plan in the Passion for Planting Online Planning tool
- Participants will finish Phase 3 with a tactical action plan built into the Passion for Planting online planning tool. The tactical plan will be ready for implementation and management.

Peer-to-Peer Sharing
The cohort is a relational small group of pioneers like you, facilitated by experienced national multiplication leaders. As you journey with like-minded leaders, you’ll share ideas and inspire each other to lead the change you want to see.

A New Operating System
The mOS design tool will help you discern a new operating system that is capable of starting churches and ministries that multiply. Break free from the old operating system and live into the new thing God wants to do through you.

Custom Action Plan
More than just new realizations, inspiration and determination, you'll craft an actionable, custom multiplication plan down to the dates, dollars and doers. Your church can start implementing the action plan right away.
The Power of Proven Coaching
David Putman and Todd Wilson have over 70 years of combined church planting and strategic planning experience. They are passionate about seeing a new generation of healthy, reproducing churches fueled by disciple-making instead of institutional, programmatic growth.They were catalysts for the mOS initiative, part of the design team that developed the new mOS tool, and were coaches in the first round of cohort piloting. They are leading this new cohort. Todd is actively writing a book on eight dilemmas we face in overcoming the prevailing consumer-driven operating system, pointing to the new mOS. Participants will be the first leaders to engage in this new content.
Todd Wilson
Team Leader >> Multipliers
Futuristic | Strategic | Activator

I serve leaders and ministries who are pursuing multiplication, and help them develop vision and strategy for 100X impact. I’m an entrepreneurial engineer, passionate about creating pictures of future possibilities and strategies for turning them into reality.
David Putman
Navigator >> Auxano
Relator | Strategic | Futuristic

I serve as a missionary to the church committed to helping leaders multiply disciples and churches 30, 60, and 100X. I help churches design macro disciple-making cultures and micro disciple-making tools that lead to disciples who make disciples and churches that plant churches.
Passion for Planting
Passion for Planting (church-planting.net) is a proven and experienced national support ministry that helps leaders start healthy, reproducing churches. They are partnering in this mOS initiative to provide coordination, administrative support, and technical support in using their best-in-class online project planning tool.
Information Package
Investment and Return
Your Time, Talent and Treasure
- $5,000 per person
- Nine-month commitment
- Two face-to-face gatherings in Raleigh, NC (1.5 days each)
- Three 3-hour monthly virtual gatherings
- Eight 1.5-hour semi-monthly virtual gatherings
- Cost of travel to the two in-person events
- Courage and perseverance to swim against the current
Your Outcomes and Results
- A better understanding of multiplication
- A compelling vision for multiplication
- Tools for creating a custom multiplication OS
- Tools for creating culture aligned with multiplication
- A customized multiplication scorecard and strategy
- New friendships with like-minded pioneering leaders
- Enthusiasm for implementing your plan
Coach / Sponsor Involvement: Participants must have a sponsor/coach who will endorse their participation and a sponsor/coach who will provide their primary accountability. The sponsor/coach must participate in the two face-to-face gatherings and the onboarding Zoom call. At their discretion, they may also be on regular Zoom calls.
Limited Space: The cohort will have a minimum of 5 leaders and a maximum of 10. Space will be filled on a first-come basis of qualified applicants who finish the application and approval process.
Application Process: The online application page includes lists of Qualifications and Expectations. We ask that candidates do a serious self-reflection and assessment to weigh the costs and ensure a solid fit before applying. Applicants must be recommended by a sponsoring organization or leader. Applicants must submit an online application via multipliers.org/mos/application by August 16, 2024.
Registration Deadline
Questions? For questions about the process, email anna@multpliers.org.
How can we help you?

Mailing Address
2545 Bittersweet Dr
Durham, NC 27705