School of Education

Inba Naicker

Inba Naicker

Associate Professor

Cluster/DisciplineEducational Leadership, Management and Policy

Contact Number031-260-3461

Office AddressG030 Ellen Kuzwayo Building

Degrees Held

  • Bachelor of Education (Honours), UNISA 1993
  • Master of Education (cum laude), UNISA, 1996
  • Doctor of Education, UKZN, 2006


  • Awarded the HSRC:CSD scholarship for Master’s degree study
  • Awarded the Spencer Foundation Grant for PhD study

Research Interests

  • Leadership and context
  • Leadership and Identities
  • Human resource management
  • Self-reflexive methodologies in leadership and management research
  • Arts-based methods in leadership and management research

Teaching Interests

  • Leadership and management of professionals in/for education
  • Theories in education leadership and management
  • Research methodologies and methods in education leadership research

Selected Publications

Community Involvement

  • (2019-2021), Object inquiry for social cohesion in higher education. The project extends understandings of object inquiry as a collaborative means for academics to share and reimagine their identities and values for building social cohesion. It brought together 40 academics from multiple knowledge fields and a range of higher education institutions to cultivate dialogue in relation to individual identities and values, shared community visions and values, and wider social concerns in South African higher education.

Teaching Expertise

  • 13 years experience in higher education. Taught education leadership and management modules at postgraduate level.

Student Supervision