Degrees Held
- Bachelor of Education (Honours), UNISA 1993
- Master of Education (cum laude), UNISA, 1996
- Doctor of Education, UKZN, 2006
- Awarded the HSRC:CSD scholarship for Master’s degree study
- Awarded the Spencer Foundation Grant for PhD study
Research Interests
- Leadership and context
- Leadership and Identities
- Human resource management
- Self-reflexive methodologies in leadership and management research
- Arts-based methods in leadership and management research
Teaching Interests
- Leadership and management of professionals in/for education
- Theories in education leadership and management
- Research methodologies and methods in education leadership research
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Chapters in Books
- Ramrathan, P., Pillay, D, & Naicker, I. (Eds.). (2021). Working between the folds: School leaders reimagining school life. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Pillay, D., Naicker, I. & K. Pithouse-Morgan (Eds.). (2016). Academic Autoethnographies: Inside Teaching in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Pillay, D., K. Pithouse-Morgan & Naicker, I. (Eds.). (2017). Object Medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Journal Articles
- Naicker, I. & Chikoko, V. (2021). School leadership theory and practice in times of Covid-19: Our learnings from a national webinar. Alternations.
- Pillay, D., Chisanga, T., Hiralaal, A., Masinga, L., Naicker, I. & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2021). Editorial: Narratives of social cohesion and academic identities in higher education. Alternations.
- Naicker, I., Myende, PE & Ncokwana, ZT (2020). Responding to school funding challenges in no-fee and fee-paying schools: Lessons from South African principals. South African Journal of Education, 40(4), 1-9.
- Naicker, I., Pillay, D. & Blose, S. (2020). Restorying lived lives in educational research: Storyboarding as a creative space for scholarly thinking in narrative analysis. Journal of Education 80, 126-141.
- Pillay, D., Pithouse-Morgan, K., Naicker, I. & Masinga, L. (2020). Editorial: Exploring possibilities through methodological inventiveness in self-reflexive educational research. Journal of Education, 78, 1-9.
- Pillay, D., Pithouse-Morgan, K. & Naicker, I. (2019). Editorial: “Not just an object”: Making meaning of and from everyday objects in educational research for social change. Educational Research for Social Change, 15, vii-xii.
- Pillay, D., Pithouse-Morgan, K and Naicker, I. (2017). Self-knowledge creation through collective poetic inquiry: Cultivating productive resistance as university academics. Cultural Studies↔Critical Methodologies, 17(3), 262-265.
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Naicker, I. and Pillay, D. (2017). “Knowing what it is like”: Dialoguing with multiculturalism and equity through collective poetic autoethnographic inquiry. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 19(1), 125-143.
- Naicker, I., Grant, C. & Pillay, S. (2016). Schools performing against the odds: enablements and constraints to school leadership practice. South African Journal of Education, 36 (4), 1- 10.
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Naicker, I., Pillay, G., Masinga, L. & Hlao, T. (2016). “Sink or swim”: Learning from stories of becoming academics within a transforming university terrain. South African Journal of Higher Education, 30(1), 1-20.
- Pillay, D., Naicker, I., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2015). Editorial: Academic autoethnographies: Becoming and being a teacher in diverse higher education settings. Journal of Education, 62, 1-5.
- Chikoko, V., Naicker, I. & Mthiyane, S.E. (2015). School leadership practices that work in areas of multiple deprivation in South Africa. Education Management, Administration and Leadership, 43(3), 452-467.
- Naicker, I.; Morojele, P.; Pithouse-Morgan, K.; Pillay, D. & Chikoko, V. (2014). Moving towards curriculum intellectualising in the context of divergent notions of African Scholarship. African Studies, 73(2).
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Naicker, I., Chikoko, V., Morojele, P. & Hlao, T. (2014) Entering an ambiguous space: Evoking polyvocality in educational research through collective poetic inquiry. Perspectives in Education, 32(4), 149-170.
- Van Laren, L., Pithouse-Morgan, K., Chisanga, T., Harrison., L., Meyiwa, T., Muthukrishna, N., Naicker, I., & Singh, L. (2014). ‘Walking our talk’: Using metaphor drawings to explore supervision of postgraduate self-study research. South African Journal of Higher Education, 28(2), 639-659.
- · Naicker, I., Chikoko, V. & Mthiyane, S.E. (2013). Instructional leadership practices in challenging school contexts. Education as Change,17(S1), S137-S150.
- Pithouse-Morgan, K.; Morojele, P.; Pillay, D.; Naicker, I. & Chikoko, V. (2012). “The air is hostile…” Learning from an African international postgraduate student’s lived stories of a university campus as a pedagogic setting. Alternation, 19 (2), 73-93.
- Chikoko, V., Naicker, I. & Mthiyane, S.E. (2011). Leadership development: School principals’ portfolios as an instrument for change. Education as Change, 15(2), 317-329.
- Mncube, V.S. & Naicker, I. (2011). School governing bodies and the promotion of democracy: a reality or a pipe-dream? Journal of Education Studies, 10(1), 144-63.
- Mncube, V.S., Naicker, I. & Nzimwakwe, T. I. (2010). Professional development of school principals in South Africa: Their needs and aspirations. Journal of Education Studies, 9(1), pp. 119-138.
Chapters in Books
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Pillay, D. & Naicker, I., (2022). Autoethnography as/in higher education. In T. Adams, S. Holman-Jones and C. Ellis (), Handbook of Autoethnography (pp. 215-227), New York: Routledge.
- Naicker, I. (2019). No-fee schools in South Africa: Narrative vignettes of school leaders’ response to context. In V. Chikoko (Ed.), Africa Handbook for School Leadership (pp. 161-184). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Masinga, L., Meyiwa, T., Naicker, I., Pillay, D & van Laren, L. (2018). Unfolding the “mysterious truth” of emotional entanglements in supervising self-study research: A collective arts-informed self-study. In Garbett and A. Ovens (Eds.), Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for knowing pedagogy (pp. 141-148), Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP.
- Blose, S. & Naicker, I. (2018). Learning from the narratives of Deputy Principals: A discussion of their work in deprived contexts. In V. Chikoko (Ed.), Leadership that works in deprived school contexts of South Africa (pp. 161-184). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Grant, C., Naicker, I. & Pillay, S. (2018). Expansive teacher leadership in deprived school contexts. In V. Chikoko (Ed.), Leadership that works in deprived school contexts of South Africa (pp. 11-35). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Naicker, I. (2017). Becoming and being a teacher leader in schools. In L. Ramrathan, L. Le Grange & P. Higgs (Eds.), Education Studies for Initial Teacher Education (pp. 80-92). Pretoria: Juta.
- Chisanga, T. & Naicker, I. (2017). A religious object medley: Objects as signifiers of the values, beliefs and practices of servant leaders. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan & I. Naicker (Eds.), Object Medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research (pp. 197-213). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Naicker, S., Blose, S., Chiororo, F., Khan, R. & Naicker, I. (2017). From a crutch to a bus: Learning about educational leadership research and practice through referencing and mapping of objects. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan & I. Naicker (Eds.), Object Medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research (pp. 99-114). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Chirikure, T., James, A., Nzimande, N., Singh-Pillay, A. & Naicker, I. (2017). A microscope, a stone, a cap and a lampshade: Objects as conduits for recognizing teaching practices as teacher leadership in higher education. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan & I. Naicker (Eds.), Object Medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research (pp. 147-162). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Pillay, D., Pithouse-Morgan, K. & Naicker, I. (2017). Composing object medleys. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan & I. Naicker (Eds.), Object Medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research (pp. 1-8). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Pillay, D., Naicker, I. & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2016). Writing academic autoethnographies: Imagination, serendipity and creative interactions. In D. Pillay, I. Naicker & K. Pithouse-Morgan (Eds.), Academic Autoethnographies: Inside Teaching in Higher Education (pp. 1-18). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Muthukrishna, A., Pillay, G., Van Laren, L., Chisanga, T., Meyiwa, T., Moletsane, R., Naicker, I., Singh, L. & Stuart, J. (2015). Learning about co-flexivity in a trans-disciplinary self-study research supervision community. In A. Samaras & K.J. Pithouse-Morgan (Eds.), Polyvocal Professional Learning Through Self-Study (pp. 145-172). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Naicker, I. (2012). Policy on educator post provisioning in public schools: A critique of the South African experience. In V. Chikoko and K. M. Jorgenson (Eds.), Education Leadership, Management and Governance in South Africa (pp. 163-177). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Naicker, I. (2011). Developing school principals in South Africa. In T. Townsend & J. MacBeath (eds), International Handbook of Leadership for Learning (pp. 431-444). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer.
Community Involvement
- (2019-2021), Object inquiry for social cohesion in higher education. The project extends understandings of object inquiry as a collaborative means for academics to share and reimagine their identities and values for building social cohesion. It brought together 40 academics from multiple knowledge fields and a range of higher education institutions to cultivate dialogue in relation to individual identities and values, shared community visions and values, and wider social concerns in South African higher education.
Teaching Expertise
- 13 years experience in higher education. Taught education leadership and management modules at postgraduate level.
Student Supervision
- Thulani Welcome Gumede (2021). Managing service provider empowerment: A case study of induction of contractors in a private sector organisation.
- Mthambisi Ellias Khumalo (2020) Community empowerment through housing consumer education and training programmes: A case of the programme of the Department of Human Settlements in Uthukela District.
- Ntombizandile Nodada (2019) A case study of the instructional leadership practices of Mathematics Heads of Department in rural secondary schools.
- Desiree Sangeetha Pandaram (2019) Stories of teacher leadership: Lived experiences of English subject coordinators in public schools in Abu Dhabi.
- Pushparanie Govender (2018) Leading in a deprived context: Lived experiences of teacher leaders.
- Cathrine Nokulunga Buthelezi (2018) Leadership for learning: A case study of three secondary schools in the Umlazi District of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Herman Gcina Mhlope (2018) The experiences of teachers teaching in classrooms in selected school quintiles.
- Erin Rae Ballard (2017) Leading the change you wish to see in your school: Lived experiences of teacher leaders in public and private schools.
- Loganayagie Naicker (2017) Leadership for learning: Lived experiences of foundation phase heads of department.
- Ashkelon Govender (2017) Rocking the boat: Lived-experiences of three student leaders at a higher education institution in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Bhekokwakhe Zibuse Mdlalose (2017) Power blocs: Leadership and management experiences of school principals.
- Zamokwakhe Thandinkosi Ncokwana (2016) A leadership tale of two school worlds: Experiences of principals in in fee paying and no-fee paying schools.
- Elsie Namisile Phakathi (2016) The management of learning and teaching support materials in public schools: A comparative study.
- Tazvishaya Mupambireyi (2015) ICT integration in Zimbabwean secondary schools curriculum: Experiences of school heads in Buhera rural district.
- Nonjabulo Fortunate Madondo (2015) Emotional intelligence and school leadership: A study of primary school principals in the Pinetown District of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Phetheni Primrose Ngubane (2015) The power of teacher unions in school-based teacher promotions: A case study of three secondary schools in the Umlazi District of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Gloria Nonsikelelo Blose (2015) Emotions and teacher leadership: A case study of teacher leaders in four primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Roxanne Gounder (2015) Teacher learning in professional learning communities: A study of three primary schools in the Pinetown District of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Ishmael Chibelihle Simelane (2015) Learner migration and its impact on school organization: A case study of three rural schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Lucky Goodman Cele (2015) Leadership development of school principals. A case study of the role played by one teacher union.
- Sibongile Mlangeni (2015 Emotional intelligence and school leadership: A study of female school principals in selected secondary schools in the Ugu District of KwaZulu-Natal.
- Poomani Pillay (2014) Patterns of distributed leadership: A case study of three primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Maureen Thokozile Simamane (2014) School leadership development and professional learning communities: A case study of three primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Bhekuyise Leonard Mbatha (2014) Teacher leadership and its impact on school effectiveness: A case study of three secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Elphus Kosandile Kuzwayo (2014) Teacher leadership beyond the classroom: A case study of one circuit in the Eastern Cape.
- Ria Slabbert (2014) A case study of teacher leadership in an education for special needs school in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Shahina Somdut (2013) Novice teachers and teacher leadership: A case study of one secondary school in the KwaDukuza Region.
- Mduduzi Innocent Ndwandwe (2013) Promoting participatory decision-making in secondary schools: Case studies of three school principals in the Phumelela Circuit.
- Charles Felethembeni Mbatha (2013) School governing bodies and staff selection: a study of three rural secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Mabel Mandisa Ntengwane (2013) A case study of the professional development of school principals in a professional learning community in the Eastern Cape.
- Surendra Vethaviasa Naidoo (2012) Leadership development of school principals through communities of practice: A case study of one leadership practice community.
- Makabelo Melida Lehlaha (2012) Leadership and management of classrooms with orphans and vulnerable children.
- Poovalingum Govender (2012) A team-based approach to leading and managing a rural primary school.
- Simon Nhlanhla Masondo (2011) The implementation of IQMS in selected secondary schools.
- Shamitha Ramdan (2010) Factors that influence educator work performance.
- Reena Ramkelwan (2021) Personal-professional dilemmas: Stories of teachers lived experience in the context of school quintiles.
- Rashida Bebe Khan (2021) Muslim female teachers enacting leadership: A collaborative self-study.
- Venoo Gobalan Thrany Payneeandy (212 558 677): Topic – Being included? The lived experiences of prevocational stidents in a Mainstream school in Mauritius. Graduated in May 2021.
- Zamokwakhe Thandiinkosi Ncokwana (2020) The dynamics of leading in rural contexts: Narratives of primary school principals.
- Freedom Chiororo (2020) Leadership for learning in Zimbabwean secondary schools: Narratives of school heads.
- Sibonelo Brilliant Blose (2018) Leading from the middle: Lived experiences of Deputy Principals across school quintiles.
- Shepherd Shoko (2017) Leader influence behaviours and school leadership: An ethnographic study of three primary school heads in the Zvishavane district of Zimbabwe.
- Sivanandani Pillay (2016) Leading successfully against the odds in highly successful disadvantaged schools.
- Dhanasagaran Naicker (2015) Piecing together the leadership puzzle: A self-study of practice.
- Yvonne Jane Bengover (2014) Institutional transformation in the post-apartheid era: An ethnography of one high school in KwaZulu-Natal.
- Frederick Louis Haines (2014) Parental involvement in enhancing learner achievement: Case studies of three rural primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.