Degrees Held
- Bachelor of Arts (Univeristy of Zululand) 1993
- Honours Bachelor of Education (UNISA) 2008
- Master of Education (UKZN) 2013
- PhD (UKZN) 2021
Research Interests
- Early childhood mathematics
- An integrated learning approach in teaching mathematics
- Arts-based self-study methods
Teaching Interests
Undergraduate courses:
- Early Childhood Mathematics
- Numeracy in the Early Years
- Mathematics for Foundation Phase Methods
- Staff excellence awards: Grant – Issued by the College of Humanities: University of KwaZulu-Natal, 29 November 2019
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Chapters in Books
Conference Presentations
Conference Proceedings
Journal Articles
- Kortjass, M., & Mkhize-Mthembu, N. (2023). Reflecting on teaching in the higher education context during the COVID-19 era: A collaborative self-study project. Educational Research for Social Change. (Forthcoming).
- Kortjass, M. (2019). Enriching teaching through artefacts: An early childhood mathematics teacher educator’s self-study project. Educational Research for Social Change, 8(2), 70-85.
- Kortjass, M. (2019). Reflective self-study for an integrated learning approach to early childhood mathematics teacher education. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 8(2), 1-11.
- Masinga, L. Myende, P., Marais, A., Singh-Pillay, A., Kortjass, M., Chirikure, T., & Mweli, P. (2016). “Hear our voices”: A collective arts-based self-study of early-career academics on our learning and growth in a research-intensive university. Educational Research for Social Change, 5(2),117-135.
- Kortjass, M. (2016). ‘I think I can teach’: The preparation of mathematics early childhood education teachers. Journal of Education Studies, 14(1), 1-19.
Chapters in Books
- Pithouse-Morgan, K., Kortjass, M., & Mkhize-Mthembu, N. (2024). Self-Study as a movement and methodology for inside-out educational change: Foundations, characteristics, and exemplars. The BERA-SAGE International Handbook of Research-Informed Education Policy and Practice (In press).
- Kortjass, M., Dhlula-Moruri, M. N., Chisanga, T. & Rawlinson, W. (2024). Making meaning of academic identities through metaphor as an arts-based educational research method. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan, I. Naicker, L. Masinga, T. Chisanga, & A. Hiralaal (Eds.). Arts-based Educational Research Narratives of Academic Identities: Perspectives from Higher Education (Chapter 6). Springer.
- Naicker, I., Hiralaal, A., & Kortjass, M. (2024). Collage-Inspired Dialogues on the Identities of Informal Academic Leaders for Learning. Arts-Based Educational Research Narratives of Academic Identities: Perspectives from Higher Education (Chapter 7). Springer
- Kortjass, M. (2023). Staying afloat when the current keeps pulling me under: A teacher educator’s journey towards a Doctoral degree. In B. Bradford (Ed). International Perspectives (Volume 2), (pp. 65-82). Brill Sense (Forthcoming).
- Kortjass, M., & Mbatha, N. (2022). Reconciling knowledge: Experiences of teacher educators in teaching through integration and playful pedagogies. In J. Kitchen, D. Tidwell & L Fitzgerald (Eds.), Self-Study and Diversity, Volume III (79-102). Brill Sense.
- Kortjass, M. (2021). Early learning development area 4: Exploring mathematics. In M. Waniganayake & H. B. Ebrahim (Eds.), Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment: A Handbook on Early Childhood Education in South Africa. Pearson.
- Kortjass, M., Mphahlele, S., van der Haar, H., Webb, L., Mathews, C., & Henning, E. (2021). Teacher educators of numeracy: ‘Signifying’ standards of pedagogy. In S. Gravett & E. Henning (Eds), Glimpses into Primary School Teacher Education in South Africa (pp. 104-114). London: Routledge.
- Kortjass, M. (2020). Re-Envisioning early childhood mathematics education: Learning through memory drawing. In C. Edge, A. Cameron-Standerford, & B. Bergh (Eds.), Textiles and Tapestries (pp. 1-14). EdTech Books.
- Dhlula-Moruri, M. N., Kortjass, M., Ndaleni, T., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2017). A stove, a flask, and a photograph: Learning together through object inquiry in self-study research. In D. Pillay, K. Pithouse-Morgan & I. Naiker (Eds.), Object medleys: Interpretive possibilities for educational research (pp. 81-89). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Conference Presentations
- Kortjass, M. (2021) Preparing pre-service teachers for an integrated learning approach in a Grade R classroom. Paper presented at the South African Association for Early Childhood Education (SARAECE) 4th National Digital ECD Conference, 14 July 2021.
- Dhlula-Moruri, M., Kortjass, M., Hiralaal, A., Campbell, B., & Pithouse-Morgan, K. (2021). Integrating Research, Teaching, and Learning through Self-Reflexive Scholarship. South African Education Research Association (SAERA), 10 November 2021. Co-presentation at the Virtual Pre-Conference Workshop, Special Interest Group (SIG) in Self-Reflexive Methodologies.
- Kortjass, M. (2019). Going beyond boundaries by creating collages in my self-study doctoral journey. Paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Conference, held at the Southern Sun Elangeni/Maharani Hotels, Durban, South Africa, 22 October 2019.
- Kortjass, M. (2018). Making an integrated learning approach to early childhood mathematics tangible: A teacher educator’s self-study. Paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Conference, held at the Saint George Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa, Sun Elangeni/Maharani Hotels, Durban, South Africa, 23 October 2018.
- Kortjass, M. (2018). Enriching teaching through artefacts: An early childhood mathematics teacher educator’s self-study project. Paper presented at the South African Association for Early Childhood Education (SARAECE) Conference, held at the Forever Hotel Centurion, Pretoria, South Africa, 11 May 2018.
- Kortjass, M. (2016). Innovative strategies: Putting into practice an integrated learning approach in early childhood numeracy teacher. Paper presented at the South African Education Research Association (SAERA) Conference, held at the Cape Sun Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa, 25 October 2016.
- Kortjass, M. (2016). An integrated learning approach to early numeracy teaching: A teacher educator’s experiences. Paper presented at the University of Zululand Teaching and Learning Conference, held at the Premier Hotel, Richards Bay, 19 May 2016.
- Kortjass, M. Ndlovu, B., Madonda, N., & Mzimela, J. (2015). Taking a ‘selfie’ into our practice: A collaborative self-study in early childhood teacher education. Paper presented at the UKZN Teaching and Learning Conference, held at the Elangeni Hotel, Durban, 22 September 2015.
- Masinga, L., Kolobe, L., Singh-Pillay, A., Kortjass, M. Chirikure, T., & Ndlovu, B., (2015). Re-Imagining higher education policy implementation: Can policy learn from practice? Complexities, Challenges and Possibilities. Paper presented at the UKZN Teaching and Learning Conference, held at the Elangeni Hotel, Durban, 22 September 2015.
Conference Proceedings
- Henning, E., Kortjass, M., Mphahlele, R., Webb, L., van der Haar, H., Mathews, C. (2020). Pedagogic standards for primary mathematics teacher education: Towards a signature pedagogy for numeracy teaching. Paper presented at Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), held at the Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, 16 January 2020.
University Service
- I presented a webinar on peer coaching at the Unisa College of Education, titled ‘Sustaining and Maintaining Collegiality through Peer Coaching’, 11 August 2021.
- Panel member in Masters research proposal review committees
- I served as a representative for research in Early Childhood Development – National Curriculum Framework: Umalusi investigation
- I served as a member of the organising committee for the three day Colloquium on corporal punishment: “Corporal Punishment Conversations: Beyond Hopelessness and Helpessness”, held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Education (Edgewood Campus), 26-28 September 2018.
- I served as a member of the organising committee for the 2nd South African Research Association for Early Childhood Education (SARAECE) KZN Regional Conference: “Transforming Early Childhood Education for a better future” held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Education (Edgewood Campus), 10 November 2017.
- (2022), Foundation Phase teaching of reading in isiZulu Home Language, Oxford University Press.
Teaching Expertise
undergraduate courses :
- Numeracy in the Early Years.
- Mathematics for Foundation Phase Methods.
Student Supervision
- Biyela, S. S. 220010679 (Current). A collaborated understanding of learners’ mental health in South African Schools: A visual participatory approach.
- Buthelezi, S. Z. 219012372 (Current). Collaborative understanding of learning disabilities that affect learners in South African schools.
- Buthelezi, N. 220000477 (Current). A collaborative understanding of different kinds of stress facing South African school learners in the 21st century: A visual participatory Approach.
- Lindsay, T. 223058623 (2023). A collaborated understanding of the psychological challenge of the anxiety disorder and its impact on South African learners: A visual participatory approach
- Kunene, H. S. 210502526 (2023). Understanding the Diversity of Learners’ Gender and Sexual Identities in a South African Rural Secondary School: A Visual Participatory
- Makhathini, A. 219013302 (2023). Integration of sustainable education development by teachers in South African Primary Schools.
- Makhoyane, B. 217031179 (2022). Supporting learners with dyslexia in primary schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. An exploration of teachers’ experiences.
- Mathenjwa, S. F. 218004991 (2022). Teaching autistic learners in primary schools: An exploration of adapting to online teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
- Buthelezi, S. S. 217032349 (2021). Teaching of geometry in South African Primary schools.
- Majola, M. 217027323 (2021). Primary school learners’ academic performance in mathematics.
- Cebekhulu, S. N. 212517871 (2016). Final year trainee teachers’ knowledge of child sexual abuse.
- Majola, L. Z. 215076659 (2016). Final year trainee teachers’ knowledge of child sexual abuse.
- Sibiya, L. A. 961086000 (2016). Final year trainee teachers’ knowledge of child sexual abuse.
- Mathenjwa, S. F. 218004991 (Current). Teachers’ experiences of teaching handwriting to learners with dysgraphia in an urban primary school.
- Makhathini, A. (Current). Developing my pedagogy of isiZulu First Additional language in a primary school: A teacher’s self-study.
- Majola, L. 207514862 (Current). Foundation Phase teachers’ understanding of the use of communication devices for learners with language difficulties: A case of a Durban Special School.
- Reddy, D. 206509348 (Current). Exploring the perception of stress and coping of postgraduate students at a private higher education institution in South Africa.
- Nkosi, N. 206513080 (Current). An exploration of the integration of digital technology by Foundation Phase pre-service teachers in early childhood mathematics education.
- Mkhwanazi, T. 208526962 (Current). An exploration of the integration of digital technology by Foundation Phase pre-service teachers in early childhood mathematics education.
- Mkhabela, V. 206511631 (2024) Navigating racialised identity as a Black female educator within the educational journey: An autoethnographic study (Co-supervisor)
- Vadival, D. 214508572 (2024). Exploring the effects of peer pressure: A collaborative self-study (Co-supervisor).
- Majola, L. 207514862 (2023). Foundation Phase teachers’ understanding of the use of communication devices for learners with language difficulties: A case of a Durban Special School.
- Msomi, S.R. (2021). An exploration of teachers’ experiences of curriculum adaptation to support learners with diverse learning difficulties in rural mainstream schools. Unpublished MEd dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
- Mbele, N. (2020). An exploration of Foundation Phase teachers’ understanding and implementation of the Inclusive Education: Experiences of School-Based Support Teams in Ilembe District. Unpublished MEd dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
- Naidoo, J. (2019). Educators’ knowledge and understanding of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A case study of a semi-rural school in KwaZulu-Natal. Unpublished MEd dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
- Gumede, B.J. (2019). Exploring Foundation Phase teachers’ strategies in enhancing reading skills to intellectually challenged learners. Unpublished MEd dissertation, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
- Rambali, R. 213537436 (2024). Cultivating the teaching of robotics in primary school: A teacher’s self-study.
- Msomi, M. D. 8831916 (2023). Creating a collaborative learning culture in a secondary school: A Principal’s self-study.
- Ntombela, B. 982201405 (2023). Using the Reading to Learn pedagogy to teach isiZulu home language reading in Grade 3: A teacher’s self-study.