Degrees Held
- Secondary Teaching Diploma – Eshowe College of Education: 1980
- Bachelor of Arts – University of Natal: 1987
- Bachelor of Education Honours – University of Natal : 1989
- Master of Education – University of Northern Iowa: 1993
- Doctor of Philosophy – University of Zululand: 2017
Research Interests
- Language pedagogy
- Academic Literacy
- Onomastics
- Reading and education success
- Feminism in African Literature
Teaching Interests
- IsiZulu Methodology
- English Second Language Teaching
- Visual Literacy
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Chapters in Books
Journal Articles
- Mhlongo, B & Ntombela, S 2010. “Do you all understand?” “Yes Ma’am”. A South African primary school addresses Language and Communication Barriers. The International Journal -Language, Society & Culture, 31: 98-104 (2010)
- Hlongwa, T. Mhlongo, B. Buthelezi, T. & Ngcobo, N. 2014. IsiZulu as conduit for accessing education: students becoming partners in knowledge discovery. Alternation, 13: 273- 291.
- Buthelezi, T. Mhlongo, B. & Hlongwa T. 2014. IsiZulu metaphor as a vehicle for terminology extensions in IsiZulu Academic language: Lessons learnt in postgraduate Language and media Education Modules at a South African University. Alternation,13: 191- 208.
- Mhlongo, B. 2016. ‘The narratives behind the names of selected minibuses in Durban’s Inner West district. Nomina Africana, 30 (2): 12- 31.
- Mhlongo, B. 2016. Beyond the policy rhetoric: IsiZulu in a Dual-medium Postgraduate Language Teacher programme. Studies of Tribes and tribals , 14 (2):138-147.
- Campbell, B. & Mhlongo, B 2019. Using photographs as memory prompt objects: Influencing pre–service language teachers to recognise reading as a driver for social change. Educational Research for Social Change, 8 (1) 41-53. (2019).
- Mhlongo, B. Iqhaza elibanjwe ngabesifazane emibhalweni yobuciko ekhethiwe ukulwisana nobulili kusukela ngonyaka we- 1998 kuya kowe -2016 in Thetha Sizwe: Contemporary South African Debates on African Languages and the Politics of Gender. University of Pretoria: ESI Publishers (In Press)
- Co-wrote a Chapter titled “ Dealing with Linguistic Diversity in the classroom” in a handbook designed for teaching language diversity in Foundation phase classrooms. European Union Project: 2014.
Chapters in Books
- Mhlongo Bonakele & Mpume Zondi: Shifting gender based societal boundaries; a reflection of selected contemporary African womern writings in Khumalo S. (Ed). Thetha Sizwe: Perspectives in African Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Gender. Pretoria: Van Schaik. (In press on going project).
Community Engagements
- (2014-ongoing), Board Member: The Mission Press, South Africa
- Member of the panel of Judges: South African Teachers’ National awards ((2012-2013)
- Board member The Mission Press, Durban South Africa. (2013 – present)
- Pastoral Care Commission Clermont Holiness Union Church.
- Bilingual Tutor: UKZN UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE Project
- Member of Usiba Writer’s Guild (2008- 2019).
- Member of the Panel of Judges: Azziz Hassim Literary awards.
Teaching Expertise
- Language Teaching Methodology
- Visual Literacy
- IsiZulu literature
- Teaching of English as a Second Language
Student Supervision
- Mgenge, N. (2021). Ukungalingani kwezemfundo ezikoleni zase Ningizimu Afrika njengalokhu kuvezwe wukuhlasela kweKhovid 19. B.Ed. Honours, School of Education.
- Nyandeni, M. (2021). Ucwaningo ngokuthuthukiswa kwesiko lekhono lokufunda. B.Ed. Honours, School of Education.
- Ndlovu, Z. (2022). Izinselelo zokufunda ezibhekene nbafundi abenza unyaka wokuqala ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme B.Ed. Honours, School of Education.
- Mthembu Bawinile (2014). Izindlela ezilandelwa wothisha ukufundisa Isifundo Sokuqondisisa ebangeni lesi-9.
- Zulu Makhosazane (2014). Using Genre analysis as a strategy for teaching writing in grades 11 and 12 Home Language classes.
- Phetha Saneliso (2015). Ukusetshenziswa kwezinganekwane njengesu lokufundisa uLimi LwaseKhaya emabangeni aphakathi kwele-7-9.
- Mbatha Siphelele (2016). Ukusetshenziswa kwesiZulu njengoLimi lokufundisa izibalo eBangeni lokuQala.
- Nkabinde Snenhlanhla (2016). Ukufundiswa kweLitherasi emabangeni 2-3 ezikoleni ezimbili.
- Mdletshe Sindisiwe (2017). Ukulandelwa kwenqubomgomo yobuliminingi esikoleni samaBanga ayisisekelo: kugxilwe esikoleni esisodwa.
- Dlamini Yvonne (2018). Ukufundiswa kokufunda kuzwakale emabangeni ayisisekelo.
- Mkhize Sindisiwe (2018). Injwayezi kufunda yabafundi bamabanga aphakathi.
- Mzobe Thalente: Ukuvezwa kwabalingiswa ngokwezinguquko ezenzeke emuva kowe-1994 emibhalweni yobucikomazwi.
- Gune Mbongiseni (2020). Ulimi olucwasa ngokobulili: kugxilwe kumanoveli: Impi Yabomdabu isethunjini nethi Bengithi Lizokuna.
- Roopnarain Sandra (2013). Grade 11learners reading habits: a case study of two schools.
- Boucher Virginia (2020). Ucwaningo ngesimomqondo sabafundi nabafundisi mayelana nesiZulu njengesifundo nanjengolimi lokuxhumana eNyuvesi esesiFundazweni saKwa-Zulu Natali.
- Mbatha Sphelele (2020). Investigating Foundation Phase B.Ed teacher trainees’ readiness to teach Maths in isiZulu: a case study of one university.
- Mabaso Lindile (2021). Teachers experiences of teaching creative and transactional writing in Grade 10 isiZulu HL classes.
- Myeza Cebolenkosi (2019…to date). Izindlela namasu alandelwa othisha ukufundisa amathekisthi abukwayo angemagama.
- Naidoo, Ishana (2019- to date). Exploring how Grade 10 English Home Language teachers teach Writing in Multilingual classes.
- Atakpa Arit: (2019). Dynamics of learning among pre-primary in Uyo Senatorial District: An exploration of informal and formal Education sectors. School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal.