Degrees Held
- Bachelor of Paedagogics (Commerce) – University of Durban- Westville
- Bachelor of Commerce Honours (Economics) – UNISA
- Bachelor of Education Honours – (Curriculum) – University of Natal
- Master of Education (Curriculum Studies) – University of Natal
- PhD (Economic Education) – University of KwaZulu-Natal
- 1988-1996: School Teacher (Economics, Accounting, Business Economics)
- 1997-1999: Lecturer , University of Durban-Westville (BEd, PGCE, MEd)
- 2000-2001: School Teacher (Accounting, Economic and Management Sciences)
- 2002-2008: Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Discipline Head: 2002-2005, 2008)
- 2009- 2012: Senior Lecturer, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Discipline Head)
- 2010 -2011: Head: School of Social Science Education, UKZN
- 2013- 2016: Associate Professor
- 2012-2014 – Academic Leader : Social Science Education
- 2017- Full Professor
- NRF Rated (C2) in 2021
- Member of the National Research Foundation Review Committee for the Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (2010-2012)
- Member of the Umalusi Research Forum (2009-2017)
- Umalusi evaluator and research consultant for NSC Economics (2008-2016)
- NASCA Policy writing committee for Economic and Management Sciences (2014-2015)
- Top 30 Researchers category for University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2008
- Prolific Researcher Category for UKZN 2010 and 2012
- Excellence in Teaching and Research Supervision (School of Education) 2016
Research Interests
- Higher education curriculum and pedagogy (Commerce Disciplines)
- Textbook research (Economics, accounting and management)
Teaching Interests
- Curriculum and pedagogy as it relates to commercial subjects
Student Supervision
Completed PhD Students
Current PhD Students
Masters Students
Examination Experience
Completed PhD Students
- Padayachi S (2022) Applying a Threshold Concepts framework in the teaching of Taxation in a higher education Accounting programme
- Cassim T (2021) Discourses of affirmative action in South African Business Studies school textbooks.
- Hutchinson MV: Discourses of entrepreneurship in contemporary commerce textbooks in secondary schools in selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries (2020)
- Lathleiff C: Imagining an authentic workplace using simulation as pedagogy in Auditing (2019)
- Okoli M: Doctoral Research Supervision Experiences of Business Education Students in Nigeria (2019)
- Maniram R: Epistemological access and authentic learning in Hospitality Financial Management (2019)
- Afrika I: School Financial Management in Low Socio-Economic Urban Contexts: A Critical Exploration (2019).
- Ian Africa (2019) School Financial management in Low socio-economic contexts.
- Mercy Okoli (2019) Doctoral Research Supervision Experiences of Business Education Students in Nigeria.
- Roshnee David (2019) Exploration of ideological discourses of globalisation in South African Grade 12 Economics textbooks.
- Motebang B (2018) Theoretical perspectives in school Accounting textbooks: the case of Lesotho and South Africa.
- Ramdhani J (2018) A Critical analysis of the representations of poverty in school Economics textbooks.
- Davis J (2018) First year students’ learning experience of a gaming intervention in an Economics programme at DUT.
- Dansoh WA (2018) The provision of Library Research Support to postgraduate students.
- Arek-Bawa O (2018) Cognitive Demand of Assessment Activities in Level-One Financial Accounting Textbooks in Selected African Countries.
- Perumal K (2018) Perumal K: Pedagogical Competencies of Marketing Educators at South African Higher Education Institutions.
- Wood NA (2017): Teaching practices in Management Accounting and Finance.
- Pillay P 2017 Gender representation in four SADC high school Business Studies textbooks
- Goebel J 2017 Students’ learning of threshold concepts in undergraduate Economics.
- Mkhize MV 2016 The Influence of Attitudes Towards Mathematics on Learning Accounting Amongst Pre-service Accounting Teachers
- Pillay D 2016 In search of a sustainability marketing curriculum: A critical exploration
- Arfo EB 2016 A Comparative Analysis of Technical Vocational Education and Training in selected African Countries
- Mtshali MA 2015 Student experiences of online support in Business Management Education
- Ngwenya JC 2013 Formative assessment in Accounting: Exploring teachers’ understanding and practices
- Bargate K 2013 Managerial Accounting and Finance Students’ Experiences of Learning in a Writing Intensive Tutorial Programme
- Dos Reis K 2013 (CPUT) Mentoring Pre-service teachers in an Accounting Programme (co-supervision)
Current PhD Students
- Gosaitse Solomon: Reflexivity and Entrepreneurial Learning in the Mini-enterprise Approach Among Botswana Junior Secondary School Students
- Ndovela, Sithembele: Teaching Accounting threshold concepts in the English Second Language (ESL) contexts.
- Marais, Eugene: Experiences of Learning Research through Research Supervision Feedback: A Case Study of Masters’ Students in a School of Education
- Cloete, Melanie: Women’s experiences of learning business skills in the informal street trade in the Durban Central Business District of Kwa Zulu-Natal
- Ramjeet Amit: Financial Education as a means to foster financial inclusion and decision making in Mauritius
- Padayachee S: Applying a Threshold Concepts framework in the teaching of Taxation in a higher education Accounting programme
- Naidoo L: A critical analysis of metaphors in HIV/AIDS discourses in contemporary Business textbooks in South Africa
- Cassim T: Discourses of affirmative action in South African Business Studies school textbooks.
- Siyabonga Cele: Topic to be confirmed
- Francois Kenga: Topic to be confirmed
- Wood NA: Teaching practices in Management Accounting and Finance (currently under examination – 2017)
- Motebang B: Theoretical perspectives in school Accounting textbooks: the case of Lesotho and South Africa (currently under examination – 2017)
- Ramdhani J: A Critical analysis of the representations of poverty in school Economics textbooks (currently under examination – 2017)
- Perumal K: Pedagogical Competencies of Marketing Educators at South African Higher Education Institutions.
- Davis J: First year students’ learning experience of a gaming intervention in an Economics programme at DUT
- Singh A: Student experiences of learning Statistics in a cooperative learning programme.
- Padayachee S: Applying a Threshold Concepts framework in the teaching of Taxation in a higher education Accounting programme (new student to register in 2017)
- David R: Exploration of discourses of globalization in four South African Grade 12 Economics textbooks
- Hutchinson MV: Discourses of entrepreneurship in contemporary commerce textbooks in secondary schools in selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries
- Naidoo L: A critical analysis of metaphors in HIV/AIDS discourses in contemporary Business textbooks in South Africa
Masters Students
10 Masters
Examination Experience
Examined 13 PhD studies and over 15 Masters studies
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Complete Research Record
Journal Articles
- Maistry, S.M. (2022). Working with and through Neoliberalism: Envisioning Research Supervision as a Pedagogy of Care in a Context of” Privileged Irresponsibility”. Education as Change, 26(1), 1-19.
- Maistry, S. M. (2022). SDG4 and the Ambiguity of Sustainable Development: The Case of Poor Schools in South Africa. Sustainability, 14(20), 13393.
- Du Preez, P., Le Grange, L., Maistry, S.M., & Simmonds, S. (2022). On sustainability and higher education: Towards an affirmative ethics. Perspectives in Education, 40(3), 118-131.
- Goebel, J. S., & Maistry, S. M. (2022). In Search. of an Inclusive Participatory Research Methodology: The Appeal of Interactive Qualitative Analysis to Novice Qualitative Researchers. Educational Research for Social Change, 11(2), 106-123.
- Le Grange, L., Maistry, S.M., & Simmonds, S. (2022). Re-imagining Curriculum Enquiry/Inquiry in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty. Education as Change, 26, 2 pages-2 pages.
- Le Grange, L., Maistry, S.M., Simmonds, S., Visser, A., & Ramrathan, L. (2022). Education in a ‘neoliberalised’online teaching and learning space: Towards an affirmative ethics. Transformation in Higher Education, 7, 9.
- Le Grange, L., Simmonds, S., Maistry, S. M., Blignaut, S., & Ramrathan, L. (2022). Assessment and social justice: Invigorating lines of articulation and lines of flight. Journal of Education (87), 24-47.
- Padayachi, S., & Maistry, S. M. (2022). Double, Double Toil and Trouble: Using Interactive Qualitative Analysis to Understand Non-Major Accounting Students’ Learning. International Journal of Higher Education, 11(4), 136-136.
- Blignaut S, Pheiffer G, Le Grange L, Maistry SM, Ramrathan P, Simmonds S, Visser A. (2021) Engendering a sense of belonging to support student well-being during Covid-19: A focus on Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4. Sustainability, Volume 13, No. 3 (Pages 1-14)
- Maistry SM (2021) Threats to Decolonial Immanent Ethics, African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume number: 3, Issue number: 1 (Pages: 26-37).
- Maistry SM et al (2021) Transitioning to online mode for a supervisor-led PhD community of practice, African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning, Volume number: 5, Issue number: 1 (Pages: 147-157)
- Maistry SM et al (2021) Towards a counter-narrative: Why dissent/agonism might have appeal in a neoliberal higher education space!Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume number: 28, Issue number: 2 (Pages: 211-237)
- Maistry SM (2021) Aligning with feminism: Critical autoethnographic reflections of a profeminist heterosexual male teacher educator. Journal of Education, 82, 5-27. doi:
- Perumal K & Maistry SM (2021 Pedagogical Competencies of South African Marketing Educators. Africa Education Review.
- Maistry SM (2021) Ailing South Africa’s Comorbidity: The Nation’s Chronic Affliction of Intersecting Education, Economic and Health Inequalities. Education as Change (forthcoming)
- Maistry, SM (2020) Curriculum Theorising in an economics education programme. Alternation (31), 28-50
- Ananth, A., & Maistry, S. (2020). Invoking interactive qualitative analysis as a methodology in statistics education research. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 16(1). doi:10.4102/td.v16i1.786
- Ramdhani, J., & Maistry, S. (2020). Legitimation of Poverty in School Economics Textbooks in South Africa. Education as Change, 24, 21 pages. doi:10.25159/1947-9417/5974
- Goebel, J., & Maistry, S. (2020). Engaging head and heart in disciplinary learning: Insights from a threshold concepts-infused university programme. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL), 8(1), 21-38.
- Africa, I & Maistry SM (2020) Neoliberal stratification: The confounding effect of the school poverty quintile ranking system in South Africa. South African Journal of Education. (forthcoming).
- Maistry, S. M. (2020). Transactional ethics and ‘damage-centred’ research: Of banality and oblivion. Perspectives in Education, 38(1), 88-99. https://doi:10.18820/2519593X/pie.v38i1.7
- Mtshali, MA, Govender, DW, Maistry, SM (2020). Online Discussion Forum: A tool to support learning in Business Management Education. South African Journal of Education.
- Maistry (2019) The higher education decolonisation project: negotiating cognitive dissonance. Transformation (forthcoming)
- Maistry SM (2019) Fetishistic disavowal and elusive jouissance: the case of the South African higher education decolonization project. South African Journal of Higher Education. (forthcoming)
- Maistry SM (2019) (Re)counting the high cost of predatory publishing and the effect of a neoliberal performativity culture. Journal of Education.
- Maistry SM (2019) About vicarious blame, ‘containers’ and ‘contents’: rejoinder to Le Grange. Journal of Education
- Goebel JL & Maistry SM (2018) Recounting the role of emotions in learning economics: Using the Threshold Concepts Framework to explore affective dimensions of students’ learning. International Review of Economics Education.
- Maniram R & Maistry SM (2018) Navigating Epistemological Access Using Authentic Assessment in a Hospitality Financial Management First Year Module: An IQA Experience. South African Journal of Higher Education.
- Pillay P & Maistry SM (2018) title: The ‘firstness’ of male as automatic ordering: gendered discourses in Southern African Business Studies school textbooks. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa.
- David R & Maistry SM (2018) The school economics textbook as programmatic curriculum: An exploited conduit for neoliberal globalisation discourses. Journal of Education, Vol 74, pp32-46.
- Maistry SM & David R (2017) Phantasmagoria: communicating an illusion of entrepreneurship in South African school textbooks. Educational Research for Social Change. Volume 6, No.2, pp101-114.
- Mkhize MV & Maistry SM (2017) Pre-service Accounting teachers’ attitudes towards mathematics. South African Journal of Education.
- Davis J & Maistry SM (2017) ‘Involvement’ and ‘Fun’: Unusual suspects in a higher education Economics programme. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 24, No. 2 pp34-55.
- Maistry SM (2017) Betwixt and between: Liminality and dissonance in developing threshold competences for research supervision in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education. Volume 31(1). Pp119-134.
- Maistry SM (2015) Crossing over to education for PhD study: liminality and threshold crossing. Alternation:Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 17, pp209-225.
- Bargate K & Maistry SM (2015) Writing-to-learn in a higher education writing intensive tutorial programme: student collaboration and confidence building. South African Journal of Higher Education; Volume 29(4), pp35-49. (50% contribution)
- Mtshali, MA, Maistry SM, & Govender DW (2015) Online chats: A strategy to enhance learning in large classes. South African Journal of Education, Volume 35(4) pp 1-10.
- Maistry SM (2015) Towards a humanizing pedagogy: an autoethnographic reflection of my emerging postgraduate research supervision practice. Journal of Education, Volume 62, pp92-102.
- Maistry SM (2015) Accountability and Surveillance: New technologies of control in higher education. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, Volume 88, pp25-35.
- Wood N & Maistry SM (2014) Professional accounting associations’ influence on higher education accounting pedagogy. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 12, pp198-239. (50% contribution)
- Maistry (2014) Education for economic growth: a neoliberal fallacy! Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 21(1), pp 57-75
- Maistry SM & Pillay P (2014) Gender representation in contemporary grade 12 Business Studies textbooks. Perspectives in Education. Volume 32(4),pp74-92. (50% contribution)
- Samuel MA & Maistry SM (2014) Brother Sun and Sister Moon: I hear your tune, so much in love with all I survey. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Jou
Book Chapters
- Maistry, S. M. (2022). COVID-19 and the move to online teaching in a developing country context: Why fundamental teaching and assessment principles still apply? In Academic Voices (pp. 175-183): Elsevier.
- Maistry SM (2021) Curriculum theorising in Africa as social justice project: Insights from decolonial theory. In Kehdinga, G.F & Khoza B.S. (eds)Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and The Theoriser : The African Theorising Perspective Kehdinga George Fomunyam, Khoza Bheki Simon. (133-147) Paperback ISBN: 978-90-04-44792-9. Hardback ISBN: 978-90-04-44793-6. E-ISBN: 978-90-04-44794-3
- Maistry SM (2020) COVID-19: ‘Opportune’ moment for epistemic delinking from an over-crowded neoliberal curriculum and assessment regime in South Africa! In Ramrathan, L., N. Ndimande-Hlongwa, N. Mkhize & J.A. Smit (eds.). RE-thinking the Humanities Curriculum in the Time of COVID-19. Pietermaritzburg: CSSALL Publishers. (Alternation African Scholarship Book Series, Volume # 01 – ISBN: 978-0-9869936-1-9.)
- Maistry (2019) Research supervision capacity building: towards sustainable learning communities of practice in South African higher education institutions in Transformation of Higher Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Scott CL & Ivala EN) (Eds)
- Maistry SM (2019) Research supervision capacity building: towards sustainable learning communities of practice in South African higher education institutions in The Status of Transformation in Higher Education Institutions in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Chaunda, Ivala & Scott (Eds). Publisher: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
- Du Preez P & Maistry SM (2018) Learning to become an academic: Navigating a complex and contradictory space in A scholarship of doctoral education: on becoming a researcher (Eds du Preez & Simmonds).
- Maistry SM & Eidsvik E. (2017) Academia in the context of constraint and a performative SDG agenda: A perspective on South Africa, in Knowledge for Justice: Critical perspectives from southern African-Nordic research partnerships.
- Maistry SM (2015) An analysis of economic modelling used in school economics textbooks, in W Hugo, Picking up knowledge: Conceptual Integration and Educational Analysis, pp 54-63.Pretoria: HSRC Press.
Complete Research Record
- Maistry SM (2017) Betwixt and between: Liminality and dissonance in developing threshold competences for research supervision in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education. Volume 31(1). Pp119-134.
- Maistry SM (2015) Crossing over to education for PhD study: liminality and threshold crossing. Alternation:Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 17, pp209-225.
- Bargate K & Maistry SM (2015) Writing-to-learn in a higher education writing intensive tutorial programme: student collaboration and confidence building. South African Journal of Higher Education; Volume 29(4), pp35-49. (50% contribution)
- Mtshali, MA, Maistry SM, & Govender DW (2015) Online chats: A strategy to enhance learning in large classes. South African Journal of Education, Volume 35(4) pp 1-10.
- Maistry SM (2015) Towards a humanizing pedagogy: an autoethnographic reflection of my emerging postgraduate research supervision practice. Journal of Education, Volume 62, pp92-102.
- Maistry SM (2015) Accountability and Surveillance: New technologies of control in higher education. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, Volume 88, pp25-35.
- Maistry SM (2015) An analysis of economic modelling used in school economics textbooks, in W Hugo, Picking up knowledge: Conceptual Integration and Educational Analysis, pp 54-63.Pretoria: HSRC Press.
- Wood N & Maistry SM (2014) Professional accounting associations’ influence on higher education accounting pedagogy. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 12, pp198-239. (50% contribution)
- Maistry (2014) Education for economic growth: a neoliberal fallacy! Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 21(1), pp 57-75
- Maistry SM & Pillay P (2014) Gender representation in contemporary grade 12 Business Studies textbooks. Perspectives in Education. Volume 32(4),pp74-92. (50% contribution)
- Samuel MA & Maistry SM (2014) Brother Sun and Sister Moon: I hear your tune, so much in love with all I survey. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 21(1), pp1-14. (50% contribution)
- Bargate K & Maistry SM (2013) Students’ experiences of learning in a structured writing intensive tutorial programme, Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 9, pp74-98. (50% contribution)
- Maistry SM (2012) Confronting the neoliberal brute: Critical reflections of a higher education middle-level manager. South African Journal of Higher Education, Volume 26(3), pp515-528
- Maistry SM (2012) Using memory as a resource for pedagogy: fashioning a ‘bridging pedagogical moment’. Journal of Education, Volume 54, pp 65-84.
- Maistry SM (2012) Foregrounding a social justice agenda in Economic Education: Critical reflections of a teacher education pedagogue. Journal for New Generation Sciences, Volume 10(2), pp 30-45.
- Maistry SM (2011) Transformation through the curriculum: Engaging a process of unlearning in Economics Education pedagogy. Alternation: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Arts and Humanities in Southern Africa, Volume 18(2), pp 115-134.
- Maistry SM (2010) Using cultural capital as a resource for negotiating participation in a teacher community of practice: a case study. Perspectives in Education, Volume 28(3), pp 46-54.
- Maistry SM (2010 Breaking the back of economic and financial (il) literacy in South Africa: A critical of the role of economic education. South African Journal of Higher Education, Volume 24(3), pp 432-442
- Maistry SM & Parker KM (2010) Teacher efficacy: an investigation of Economics teachers. Africa Education Review, Volume 2,(7), pp 376-401.(50% contribution to this article)
- Maistry SM (2009) Negotiating access to schools as research sites: a process of developing positive reciprocal relationships between researchers, teachers and school managers. Journal of Educational Studies.
- Maistry SM (2008) Transcending traditional boundaries for teacher professional development: exploring a community of practice approach to CPD. Journal of Education, Volume 43, pp 1-27.
- Maistry SM (2008) Towards collaboration rather than co-operation for effective teacher professional development in South Africa: insights from social practice theory. Southern African Review of Education, Volume 14(1), pp 119-142.
- Maistry SM (2008) School-University CPD partnerships: fertile ground for cultivating teacher communities of practice. South African Journal of Higher Education, Volume 22( 2), pp363-374.
- Maistry SM (2007) Building communities of practice for the continuing professional development of history teachers: insights from the TEMS project. New Contree, Volume 54, pp 53-71.
- Maistry SM (2001) The challenges of teaching economics in an under-resourced Black South African School. Perspectives in Education. Volume 19(1), pp159-171.
- Maistry SM & Ramdhani J (2010) Managing tensions in a service-learning programme: some reflections. South African Journal of Higher Education, Volume 24(4), pp 555-567.(50% contribution)
- Maistry SM & Ramdhani J (2010) Integrating social responsibility into an entrepreneurship education program: a case study. US-China Education Review, Volume7, No.4.pp 23-29. (50%)
- Maistry SM (2009) Applying a partial problem-based learning environment to a non-major economics course: a case of cognitive dissonance. South African Journal of Higher Education, Volume 23(2), pp 329-339.
- Maistry SM (2006) Negotiating access to teachers’ classrooms: a South African experience. Bulletin for academic staff and students. Volume.16, No.1.
Community Involvement
- Umalusi Research Forum