Innovations to Meet the Demands on Infrastructure and Resources
1 Billion World Population Growth Every 12 Years
Supporting Cloud Service and Technology to Meet AI and Tech Adoption Demands
Learn moreWorld’s Daily Data Creation
Geospatial Data & Software Solutions for Asset Management, Climate Change & Natural Resources
Learn moreAt Risk from Rising Sea Levels by 2100
Tech-Enabled, Proprietary Solutions to Meet the Growing Demand for Reliable, Efficient & Safe Energy
Learn moreNew Electrical Transmission Capacity by 2035
Designing and Implementing Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure for a Growing Population
Learn moreAnnual Infrastructure Investment to Meet Development & Sustainability Goals
At NV5, we’re dedicated to transformative work. Join our dynamic team of professionals, engineers, and consultants, where you’ll empower communities and clients, leaving a lasting, positive impact on the future.
Technical Innovators
Offices in 11 Countries
in Geospatial Data Services
in International Data Centers
in Utility Underground Design
Over 1,000 miles of utility underground through tech-enabled proprietary methodology to reduce undergrounding cost and duration by up to 40%
Over 1,000 miles of utility underground through tech-enabled proprietary methodology to reduce undergrounding cost and duration by up to 40%
Over 100,000 miles of electrical transmission scanned per year
Over 100,000 miles of electrical transmission scanned per year
Geospatial snow cap, reservoir, and groundwater predictive analytics to assess water availability
Geospatial snow cap, reservoir, and groundwater predictive analytics to assess water availability
3D Design software and geospatial predictive analytics of shoreline resilience and floodplain impacts and development of solutions
3D Design software and geospatial predictive analytics of shoreline resilience and floodplain impacts and development of solutions
Founding contributor to development of the Envision Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure
Founding contributor to development of the Envision Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure
Planning, design, and oversight for over 400 electric vehicle projects
Planning, design, and oversight for over 400 electric vehicle projects
Reduction of 52,000,000 killowatt hours through real-time building analytics
Reduction of 52,000,000 killowatt hours through real-time building analytics
Real-time monitoring of 5,000,000 data points per minute on over 30,000,000 square feet of facilities
Real-time monitoring of 5,000,000 data points per minute on over 30,000,000 square feet of facilities
Over 2,000 green infrastructure installations
Over 2,000 green infrastructure installations
Over 1,000 geotechnical site assessments and 100,000 building material test per year
Over 1,000 geotechnical site assessments and 100,000 building material test per year
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Our internal innovation and development team constantly analyzes new technology and develops solutions to meet our client’s challenges. Our Technically Speaking series is one way we share our technical findings with the professional community.
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Our internal innovation and development team constantly analyzes new technology and develops solutions to meet our client’s challenges. Our Technically Speaking series is one way we share our technical findings with the professional community.
Please tell us a little about yourself by filling out the form below, and we’ll share the document with you, thanks!
NV5 Geospatial releases a new predictive modeling platform for vegetation management that uses existing lidar and historical data to identify the relative level of asset risk from trees by quantifying the potential for causing asset damage.
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Our internal innovation and development team constantly analyzes new technology and develops solutions to meet our client’s challenges. Our Technically Speaking series is one way we share our technical findings with the professional community.
Please tell us a little about yourself by filling out the form below, and we’ll share the document with you, thanks!