NV5 Geospatial has been award Cooperative Contract Number DIR-CPO-4507 by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) to provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Hardware, Software, and Services. The contract is for use by Texas state, regional and local government offices, including river and water authorities, and public education entities. The process for procuring GIS products, custom geospatial data and services and software is administered by TNRIS and known as the Texas Strategic Mapping (StratMap) Contracts. The StratMap/DIR Contracts are awarded to companies which are technically evaluated by a team of GIS professionals and determined to provide quality geographic data products, services, and GIS software.
To learn more about DIR Cooperative Contacts click here.
Products and Services Awarded
NV5 Geospatial provides a broad range of geospatial data acquisition, processing and advanced analytics. A complete list of Products and Services Awarded under the StratMAP program is located here.
Topographic Lidar Lidar-derived datasets provide valuable information for natural hazards planning, floodplain modeling, forest inventory and research, hydrography, engineering design, land use planning, habitat mapping, discovery of cultural resources, and much more. We collect lidar data with engineering-grade accuracy and unparalleled resolution.
Topobathymetric Lidar Topobathymetric lidar is the science of simultaneously measuring and recording three distinct surfaces – land, water, and submerged land using airborne laser-based sensors. Topobathymetric lidar has many important applications. These include: Shoreline and coastal intelligence, Habitat restoration, Floodplain modeling, Volumetric analysis, Infrastructure planning and engineering and coastal management
Mapping Using advanced photogrammetry and remote sensing algorithms, our custom mapping and visualization tools provide critical information for mapping land use/land cover, hydrography, natural resources, forestry and vegetation, geophysical hazards (faults, landslides, floods), and infrastructure.
Digital Orthoimagery We offer natural and 4-band orthorectified imagery, collected with state-of-the-art digital systems at customized pixel resolutions and scales. Our high-resolution imagery supports precision photogrammetry and advanced analytics through data fusion with other remote sensing data technologies such as lidar.
Thermal Infrared (TIR) Imagery Pioneering the use of airborne TIR imagery to accurately depict temperature dynamics at high resolutions across broad spatial scales, our TIR imagery solutions can answer complex questions about fish and wildlife habitat, location and properties of geothermal resources, and building efficiency/heat transfer in urban settings.
Hyperspectral Imagery Airborne multispectral and hyperspectral systems enable precision mapping and in-depth analysis of vegetation, mineralogy, geology, soil moisture, water depth, and other landscape features of interest. The fusion of this imagery with lidar and other remote sensing data adds another layer of understanding to improve decision making.
Enterprise GIS Our eGIS solutions provide a powerful digital environment to visualize, manage, and interact with large amounts of data. We design integrated GIS solutions to aid in data management, decision support, mapping, visualization, planning, monitoring, data sharing, collaboration, and constituent engagement.
From Acquisition, to Analysis, to the Answers You Need – Quantum Spatial can apply the power of geospatial solutions to the decisions and processes that matter most to your organization. We carefully consider technology choices and survey design to optimize data quality, and then transform pixels and points into meaningful products given the questions you want to answer. By helping you visualize, interpret, and share geospatial information, we enable timely, cost-efficient insights that help to further your specific goals. To learn more, visit our Solution Page.
Order Information Contact
Jason Nyberg, Account Manager SW Region
M: 512-547-7349
E: jason.nyberg@nv5.com
To order Geospatial products or services products from NV5 Geospatial, customers should first contact the TNRIS Strategic Mapping Program at StratMap@twdb.texas.gov before submitting a statement of work, obtaining quotes or issuing Purchase Orders to DIR Vendors. Then generate a purchase order made payable to Quantum Spatial, Inc. and include Contract Number DIR-CPO-4507 on the P.O.
NV5 Geospatial powered by Quantum Spatial, is North America’s largest geospatial services firm, providing insights to organizations that need geospatial intelligence to mitigate risk, plan for growth, better manage resources and advance scientific understanding. We combine the widest array of advanced remote sensing technologies with proprietary processes, analytics tools, algorithms and analysis. NV5 Geospatial goes beyond data acquisition and measurement, transforming high-quality, accurate data into usable information tailored to meet our clients’ needs. Major government agencies, the military and corporate organizations of all sizes, including utilities, oil and gas producers, engineering and construction firms, depend on NV5 Geospatial to revolutionize the way they use and value geospatial data through end-to-end solutions that push the boundaries of data and analytics.
For warrenty information click HERE
Scott Nowicki discusses intersection of robotics and remote sensing applications with RoboPsych podcast.
Does this Lidar point cloud look familiar? Click here to see if you got it right?
What makes our lidar best in class? One reason is our understanding of Data Accuracy
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NV5 Geospatial releases a new predictive modeling platform for vegetation management that uses existing lidar and historical data to identify the relative level of asset risk from trees by quantifying the potential for causing asset damage.
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Our internal innovation and development team constantly analyzes new technology and develops solutions to meet our client’s challenges. Our Technically Speaking series is one way we share our technical findings with the professional community.
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