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TEFL Course

We offer a 130-hour, 4-week intensive and rewarding TEFL course, which certifies participants to teach English abroad.

The course consists of a combination of practical input sessions, teaching practice with real students, supported planning time and personalized feedback sessions. The course is led by experienced trainers who have varied international experience in teaching English.

No previous teaching experience is required, as during these 4 weeks we will make sure you have the knowledge and tools you need to successfully run your own classroom.


Find out more about the course from some of our graduates.

What is TEFL?

TEFL is an acronym that stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. A TEFL certificate is the qualification required in order to teach English abroad.

In addition to TEFL, there are other acronyms used for the same qualification needed for teaching English abroad: CELTA, TESOL and TESL. 

A TEFL certificate is the basic requirement for teaching English abroad and is accepted all over the world. Just because you can speak English doesn’t mean that you can teach it. English language schools want to know that you’ve had specific training on how to teach English, and that you have learned the approaches and methodology used for teaching English as a foreign language. Additionally, they want to know that you’ve had hands-on teaching experience in a real classroom teaching real students. During the TEFL Worldwide course you will receive plenty of hands-on teaching practice, resulting in you feeling more than prepared for your first teaching job.

Teacher in front of class being observed by trainers and trainees

Entry Criteria

18 years old

You must be at least 18 years old by the course start date.

High Level of English

You need to be a native speaker or have a C1 level of English

Higher Education

A university degree is not a must but may be an advantage

Interested in Teaching

A desire to teach and help others is an important factor.

Course Outline

The course is divided into two main parts: input sessions and teaching practice.

The input sessions are divided into four modules: Lesson Planning, Methodology, Language Awareness and Teaching Skills. In these sessions our trainers will introduce you to the theory and methodology you need. They will also pass on their practical, real-life experience.

Teaching practice involves planning lessons supported by our trainers, and then using those lessons with real students. While you are teaching you will be observed by a trainer and some of your peers. You will then receive personalized feedback on your strengths as well as areas to improve on and practical steps you can take to improve.

Course Modules

Language Awareness

This module looks at how the English language works; its grammar, phonology and other linguistic features. Native speakers of English learn the language naturally but often don’t learn the rules of the language and related terminology. This module will make sure you understand the rules of the language sufficiently to teach it, and to deal with any questions students might have. It will also show you how to teach grammar effectively in a fun and engaging way.

Teaching Skills

This module focuses on the four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Each skill will be looked at separately, as there are certain specific factors we must think about for each skill. The sessions start with looking at the theory and methodology connected to the particular skill before moving into the more practical side of planning lessons. We will analyze lessons from course books and you will take part in a demonstration lesson before finally working with your colleagues to plan your own lesson. One of the main objectives is to show you how to work with the available materials to quickly plan an effective skills lesson.


This module introduces key terminology and introduces you to the general methodology and techniques you can apply to all your lessons. Covering things such as classroom management, monitoring, concept checking questions, giving instructions and error corrections. The module will also look at resources and technology you can use in the classroom to make classes more fun and engaging. Through the practical workshops you will gain all the skills you need to confidently run your own classroom.

Lesson Planning

This module will introduce you to everything you need to plan effective lessons so that you can step into the classroom confident and prepared. We will look at how to write a formal lesson plan, along with all the things you will need to consider when doing so. By the end of this module you will be able to write clear, concise and achievable objectives for your lessons.

Teaching Practice

This is where you get to put everything you have learned in the input sessions into practice and gain hands on classroom experience. You will experience 18 hours of classroom interaction, including 6 hours of teaching practice, with real local students (mostly Czechs). You will teach several different groups of students with different levels of English. While you are teaching you will be observed by a trainer and some of your peers. The sessions will finish with personalized feedback on your strengths as well as areas for improvement and practical steps you can take to improve. You will also get the opportunity to observe other trainees in the course as well as some of the trainers. 

Extension Courses

We offer extension courses which supplement the TEFL course, allowing you to dive deeper into a particular topic. If you would like to specialize in these areas of teaching or are interested to learn more, then these courses are for you. Find out more about the courses on the links below. 

Teaching Young Learners

Teaching Online

Added Extras

Introduction and Welcome

During the first morning of the course we will give you a chance to get to know the other trainees on the course. We will also give you all the information you need to get started in the course and to help you get settled in here in Prague.

Czech Lessons

You will take part in two survival Czech language lessons during the course. There are two reasons for this; to give you some basic Czech that you can use here in Prague and also to put you into the shoes of a student learning a new language.  

Job Guidance

Our job guidance sessions will let you know what to expect when you start looking for work. It will help you prepare so that you can find work quickly after completing the course.

Visa Support

During the first week of the course, we will set up a meeting with a representative from the visa agency we work with. They can help get started with the visa process so you can start working here as soon as possible after the course.

Alumni Meet and Greet

Every course we organize a meeting between the current members and recent alumni. It is a chance to discuss current job markets, and to make new contacts in the TEFL community. 

Graduation Party

The course ends with a well-deserved champagne celebration where we will present you with your certificate. This is followed by a meet-up with some of our past graduates to continue the celebrations. 

Assessment and Scoring System

All assignments must be completed with a satisfactory grade to pass the course.

A minimum of 90% attendance is also required to pass the course. If you miss more than this due to sickness, and you have a doctors note, we can usually make it up in the following course.

Pass 1Excellent Pass
Over 90 %
Pass 2Good Pass
Between 80% and 89%
Pass 3Satisfactory
Between 60% and 79%


On completion of the course, you will receive two certificates. The first is issued by us and the second is issued by IATQuO (the organization that accredits our course based in the UK).

Example of TEFL worldwide certificate
TEFL Worldwide Certificate
Example of TEFL Worldwide certificate
IATQuO Certificate

Typical Day

A typical day starts at 9:00 and finishes at 6:30, with breaks in between each session and a longer lunch break. 

The course schedule is slightly different each month depending on how many trainees we have on the course. To the right you can see a typical schedule for a week with teaching practice in the mornings, input sessions after lunch, and supported planning time at the end of the day.

After Graduating

Many of our graduates have stayed and taught in Prague but others have gone on to teach all over the world .

We have had more than 3,500 trainees complete the course who have gone on to teach in more than 60 countries. We offer jobs at our school in Prague to many people on completion of the course. Most of our graduates find work 1 – 2 weeks after the course but many get offers during the course itself. 

If you decide to stay in the Czech Republic after the course, we can help you with accommodation, the trade license, visa application and anything else you need to get settled here. 

If you decide to go elsewhere after the course, we can advise and guide you with the move and also put you in touch with our large alumni community who may have first hand experience teaching in the country of your choice.

TEFL graduate holding up certificate at graduation party




''The course exceeded my expectations. Not only did they get me certified but they gave me confidence''

Kamal , USA



''I decided to take the TEFL course because I needed change in my life''

Leena, USA

Find Out More

Find out more about enrolment criteria, course schedule and certification and en extra module Teching young learners.