Corporate Membership Benefits

Becoming a Corporate Member of ACID

Why is Intellectual Property so Important to Your Business?

Intellectual capital is the DNA running through most successful businesses whether micro or macro. It’s the intangible value of a business, covering its people, its relationships and its structural capital of which Intellectual Property (IP) plays a significant role. British Design and manufacture is a UK success story, it is all round us, from iconic to everyday, solving problems, adding value. Design matters.  Since its inception over two decades ago, Anti Copying in Design (ACID) has become the leading UK Design and intellectual property voice for designers and manufacturers.

We speak to Government, key influencers and policy makers to ensure that the best possible IP enforcement is in place to allow IP creators’ ideas to be monetised to achieve growth. ACID, a membership organisation, is part of a national conversation on IP protection and has a formidable track record of successful settlements on behalf of its members. The high profile and powerful ACID brand of deterrence, used by thousands, carries a strong anti-copying message to all who see it.

Corporate membership is open to companies with an annual turnover in excess of £500,000 and offers an opportunity as advocates for original design to influence our lobbying activities and to articulate this message through declared corporate social responsibility. By joining the ACID corporate community, you will be playing a critical role not only in upholding standards but ensuring you are part of a strong community determined to fight IP theft will ensure our collective futures to achieve sustained growth.

From £46.67+VAT Per Month

Join the ACID Community

In addition to our Standard benefits, you'll receive an Intellectual Property Strategy Review (IPSR) worth £5,000, mentoring, networking & more.

Online/Offline Opportunities

Exclusive Corporate Membership Benefits

As UK Design has experienced exponential growth during this century, so too, have the threats from intellectual property theft, both on and offline. In the 21st century, the creation of a proactive intellectual property is essential for businesses to achieve growth. ACID also seeks to encourage ethics, respect and compliance through a strong communication network including ongoing social media campaigns.

Why join as a corporate member? Playing a critical role not only in upholding standards but ensuring you are part of a strong community determined to fight IP theft will ensure our collective futures to achieve sustain growth.

Corporate Lunches

On topical subjects and influential networking

IP Health Check

Check out the health of your intellectual property

Trade Mark Support

Specialist advice on all IP registrations

Corporate Briefing

Breakfast or late afternoon two hour sessions

Exclusive Invitations

Campaigning meetings, political lobbying, industry roundtables

Corporate Mentoring

Partnering/supporting sector innovative lone, micro and SMEs

Corporate Lunches

On topical subjects and influential networking

IP Health Check

Check out the health of your intellectual property

Trade Mark Support

Specialist advice on all IP registrations

Corporate Briefing

Breakfast or late afternoon two hour sessions

Exclusive Invitations

Campaigning meetings, political lobbying, industry roundtables

Corporate Mentoring

Partnering/supporting sector innovative lone, micro and SMEs

Join the ACID Community

Your subscription to ACID membership gives us the opportunity to help you protect your products and designs. Membership of ACID is global and we welcome applications from individuals and companies in any industry sector involved in the creation of original design.

Our Membership fees are determined by annual turnover, helping us to support young and new designers with a low entry price point. Your Membership subscription is an annual fee and you will have full access to all Membership benefits as long as this remains current. You can choose to pay by Direct Debit and spread the cost of your subscription over 12 months, or pay annually by debit/credit card.

Corporate Membership Pricing

Intellectual Property Strategy Review (IPSR)

Exclusively for ACID Corporate Members

As a Corporate Member, in addition to our standard benefits you receive a free Intellectual Property Strategy Review (IPSR). An IPSR serves to identify any areas of your business that will benefit from a one-to-one, focused discussion about your IP strategy. Essentially, it provides ACID with a deeper insight into your company so that we can respond to your needs more effectively. ACID members for whom we have undertaken an IPSR have found that it has identified IP issues of which they were previously unaware and provided a focus for solutions. 

Your IPSR helps establish your IP as an asset, can form the basis for lending, acquisition or sale and enables your proactive IP strategy. The value of the IPSR alone is around £5000 and is provided completely free of any charges with your ACID Corporate Membership.

Plus All Standard Membership Benefits

ACID Members receive a whole host of benefits, services and self-help tools that can be accessed through the website, including:

Membership Logo

Get a license to display the Member of ACID logo on your websites, products and marketing materials as a powerful brand of deterrence.


Take the opportunity to respond to surveys and give your opinion through case studies, and get your voice heard at Parliamentary level.

Free Legal Advice

Gain entitlement to a free period of preliminary legal advice on separate issues from our IP Specialist Legal Affiliates.

SnapDragon Monitoring

SnapDragon’s cutting-edge AI, Swoop, proactively hunts down online threats & infringements. As an ACID Member, you'll benefit from a 15% discount!

IP Databank

Upload your designs and documents to our online IP Databank to ensure you have third party dated evidence of their existence.

Webinars & Events

Keep track of upcoming ACID events including ACID’s Business Webinar Series or Meet the Team at ACID Accredited Exhibitions.

Do you have an IP Policy?
We can help plan your strategy