Onsite Medical Aesthetic Team Training

Investing In Your Team Will Equal Success!

OnSite Medical Spa Training

Onsite Med Spa Training for your team will ensure the success of your spa! Often we are asked, “How can we grow our business faster?” To grow is to train! Onsite business training is one of the biggest missed components in most spas and med spas. Leaders usually train their team on technical procedures, protocols, product knowledge, but rarely do they include spa or medi spa business training curriculum. If you desire spa growth, the solution is to invest in onsite spa training for your Med Spa and Medical Aesthetic team.

To help you implement effective business training, we offer on-site training, where a professional coach will visit your location and conduct custom training for your team.

onsite spa medical aesthetic training experts
(White Orchid Spa – Vero Beach, Fl)

OnSite Medical Aesthetic Team Training Process

One of the most popular on-site trainings, we conduct is the Fresh Start program designed for Medical Aesthetics and MediSpas!

The Medical Aesthetic Fresh Start Spa Team Training Includes

The “Don’t Sell, Recommend!” Seminar
Give yourself and your team a pay raise by implementing the “Don’t Sell, Recommend!” philosophy and P.R.I.D.E. system! This proven-effective educational program is guaranteed to elevate retail and treatment sales, while increasing your medical aesthetic and or medical spa income.
It teaches spa professionals how to:
The Fresh Start Presentation is when we introduce a new performance-based compensation model to ensure a healthy business for you as well as motivate your team to improve the volume per guest for both service and retail sales. It also includes sharing your new direction, vision and mission you want to take and asking the team for recommendations.
From order takers to revenue generators! Spa guest relations (receptionists) hold a very important position as the face of the spa and medi spa! Implementing this seminar content will transform this department into a revenue hub!
They will learn how to improve:

Medical Aesthetic business training is great, but if it’s not implemented thoroughly, you won’t have lasting benefits. Therefore, we meet with your department leads and management to help you implement measurement systems to monitor performance and make continuous improvements.

The Fresh Start training will totally transform your business and provide you with the foundation you need to set a solid structure for sustainable growth!

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