The history of Kapelan
As spin-off from a German diagnostics specialist in cancer prevention, Kapelan Bio-Imaging launched the first software product for 1D gel analysis in 1999. In the next few years, the company developed several additional bioinformatics solutions, including software for fluorescence imaging and blot analysis.
After Kapelan Bio-Imaging successfully introduced the LabImage platform in 2005, the software was subsequently extended to better serve the needs of research institutes as well as the pharmaceutical and diagnostics industry. In the last ten years, thousands of customers worldwide have enjoyed Kapelan’s computer-based image analysis solutions and the LabImage platform has evolved to cover the full range of bio imaging software.
As a spin-off Kapelan founded a New Media company which was part of Kapelan up to January 2010. Since that Kapelan was renamed to Kapelan Bio-Imaging to strongly focus on Bio-Imaging solutions. In January 2010 the headquarter was moved to Leipzig/Germany.
In December 2010 Kapelan celebrated the 10 years anniversary followed by the release of the new LabImage 1D in January 2011.
With a worldwide outreach and a fast-growing network of partners and resellers, Kapelan Bio-Imaging boasts a strong integration into the German as well as the international research community and is ideally positioned to become a market leader in bio-imaging.
In 2013 Kapelan released the LabImage Application Pool which brings a maximum of flexibility to the imaging community. Specific imaging application on your finger tips is the main focus of the LabImage Platform 3.0. More and more clients in research and diagnostics choose the LabImage Platform as a flexible and extandable software enviroment. In combination with the new LabImager device series custom specific analysis systems find their way to the labs worldwide.
Since that time several new applications started as well as our own device production and integration.
Founded: 2000
Number of Employes: 5
Type: private held limited
Competence: image analysis, high throuput processing, custom software development, development of image readers
Short Overview

More about Kapelan
Latest News
- Kick-off Meeting for new project in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
- Exciting News: Summer sale – save 10% on LabImage Licenses!
- Kapelan Bio-Imaging Successfully Certified to ISO 13485: Quality Management Meets Legal Requirements, Qualifies Kapelan Bio-Imaging as Provider of Medical Device and IVD Software
- Paper: ROCK1/2 signaling contributes to corticosteroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease
- Kapelan Bio-Imaging offers new calibration service for grayscale charts