What are the banks doing wrong?
of money is created by banks out of thin air
of which is used for speculation
of the population does not know these facts...
And why am I affected?

Climate disaster
Commercial bank loans are the biggest driver of this: these loans go most for non-productive but very profitable purposes, such as oil pipelines, chemical factories for pesticides, technologies for genetically modified crops, or simply speculation on food.

Rising prices
Banks drive all prices up through: Purchases on the real estate market purchases on the stock market any loan, because the interest is ultimately paid by the buyer.

Money in the account is not safe
Did you know that the money in your bank account can disappear overnight? This is the real reason for banking crises...

Social inequality
The banks pay themselves bonuses from the newly created money, buy real estate and other expensive objects (e.g. yachts). There is an enormous overreaching in favor of the banks. A concentration of capital in the hands of a few people promotes social inequality in an extreme way.

Declining social benefits
How are the banks saved? The state takes a large chunk of money and hands it over to the bankers. The state does this all the time, it was the case in 2008 and it will be the case also in the future. The money for the bailout comes, for example, from the creeping reduction of our pensions, worse unemployment insurance, other social assistance, etc....

The banks create the money themselves and lend it even for wrong purposes! That is one of the reasons that less jobs and apprenticeships are created for young people, that older people are dismissed earlier and that there is fear for the job!
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