WDK Bookings

Calendar and Availability Rates/Prices per Hour/Day/Week... Reservations from Listing Page based on Availability. created by WDK Bookings and contains total 3 elements widgets for Elementor Page Builder

Elementor Widgets Table, total widgets: 3

Widget Title Category Used times Counter
Wdk Booking Listing Calendar wdk-elementor-listing-preview 2
Wdk Booking Listing Table wdk-elementor-listing-preview 2
Wdk Booking Quick Submission wdk-elementor-listing-preview 0
Widget Title Category Website url Show on page
Wdk Booking Listing Calendar wdk-elementor-listing-preview https://clickandboating.com/vente-location-bateaux-2/ Element Detector
Wdk Booking Listing Table wdk-elementor-listing-preview https://clickandboating.com/vente-location-bateaux-2/ Element Detector
Wdk Booking Listing Calendar wdk-elementor-listing-preview https://www.sellingcar180.com/index.php/listing-preview/ Element Detector
Wdk Booking Listing Table wdk-elementor-listing-preview https://www.sellingcar180.com/index.php/listing-preview/ Element Detector